Seventh Day: Fortitude
Fortitude: is the moral virtue that ensures firmness in the face of difficulties and constancy in the pursuit of good, strengthening the resolve to resist temptations and to overcome obstacles in the moral life.
REFLECTION: The Decree on Mother Ignacia’s heroic virtues further states: “In various occasions she proved herself to be a ‘woman of strength.’ This was proven by her prudent and long-suffering spirit in the face of all the problems she encountered from the beginning until the completion of her work for the institute: ‘desde el cimiento hasta el capitel.” The obstacles were many, within the context of the social, cultural and historical environment of her times. With humble and persevering fortitude she made a place for the yndia to serve God in Chastity, Poverty and Obedience. Her option was poverty, instead of security that her family could have afforded her, to “live by the sweat of her brow” with only her sewing kit brought from home. Her exhortation to her early followers was to “bear their hardships and acts of penance in order to draw down God’s mercy upon their endeavors.” She was truly the “valiant woman” of Scriptures.

PRAYER: Father, Your Son Jesus urged us to bravely take up our cross to follow Him. Help us overcome courageously the obstacles around us, specially those within us that still prevent us from becoming your faithful children. GLORY BE….
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