Mother Foundress Commission


Service arm of the Superior General and her Council.


We commit ourselves to understand and live out the spirit and charism of Mother Foundress to be open to the process of transformation ofourselves and others as disciples of Christ.


  1. Intensify the study of the life of Mother Foundress, her works, charism and spirituality and internalize her spirit and charism in the context of the present.
  2. Intensify the work for her beatification.


  1. To recommend and implement programs for the deepening of understanding the spirit and charism of Mother Foundress.
  2. To work for the furtherance of the Cause of Mother Foundress.
  3. To provide materials and guidelines for the study of the spirit of Mother Foundress and a help towards the deepening and inspiration of her spirit.
  4. To coordinate and inspire activities to spread the knowledge of Mother Foundress among the people our Sisters deal with in the apostolates of the Congregation.

From: S. Ma. Consuelo Alvino, RVM

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